Your donation can help others lead a beautiful life
Thank you for considering a donation to “I Spread Smiles.” Your support plays a crucial role in helping us continue our mission of providing accessible and compassionate mental health services to those in need. By donating to us, you contribute to spreading smiles and creating positive change in the lives of individuals and families.
Make a difference today! Your donation to “I Spread Smiles” helps us touch the lives of individuals and families, making a positive impact on their mental health and well-being. Together, we can create a world where compassionate mental health support is accessible and affordable, for all. Choose one of the methods below to make a secure contribution or reach out to us for further information: We appreciate your generosity and support. Thank you for joining us in spreading smiles and transforming lives.

Concerns & Questions
Only you can determine how long you wish to benefit from my help and guidance. I am here for you, always. Whether you need an hour, a year, or more, I am always here to help you. The aim of I Spread Smiles is exactly that! I want to help you smile every day. And I want you to spread your smiles as far and as often as you can.
To get started with coaching, simply reach out to me through the contact form or by phone. We will schedule an initial consultation to discuss your goals, challenges, and expectations. This session will also give you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. Together, we will create a plan to help you achieve your desired outcomes.